Slice of Life: Celebrations 17 of 31

I don't know how you write about big life decisions. I don't know how you talk about crossing bridges or walking through a new door. There are just those times in life you know your decisions are going to come with big changes; going to college, getting married, buying a house, having children, changing jobs, moving to new cities, are all big steps that are sure to change things. I don't really know how to write about my decision to retire. All I can say right now is that it was complex. 

There is one thing I know for sure: I'm going to miss the people whom I worked beside each day. You know the kind of people I am talking about: the ones that make you laugh, the ones that help you when things get tricky, the ones that make look forward to Mondays. I don't really know how to write about all of those things right now, but I do want to share the celebration they crafted.

On Monday when I walked into the office, my space was quite beautifully redecorated: balloons sat on my desk, decorations hung from the ceiling, quotes about reading filled the wall, and the space looked festive. It was obvious there was going to be no retiring quietly in this space. Ha! They had picked a theme, READ, to fill four days of celebration - and celebrate we did. 

Each day had a different word that went with it. My colleagues had thoughtfully purchased gifts to go with each day. There was no sneaking out quietly with this group - and we laughed a lot. Here are the daily words for celebration: 

    R: Ride 

    E: Enjoy 

    A: Author

    D: Dessert+

It is interesting to think about the little clues we provide in the day to day to the life we lead beyond our work. This group certainly had me figured it out. I could go on and on about the thoughtful gifts, the beautiful cards, and the general messages of good wishes, but I really don't know how to write about that right now. Instead, here are a few fun pictures to help tell the story.  

This bridge will be a new one to cross. I will certainly miss the people that made each day a delight. I don't know how to write about this next big step, but I'm sure I will find a way one day at a time. 

It's March and I'm diving back into the March Slice of Life Challenge!  Buckle in!  This will be my 8th year joining the community (though I must confess to a two year break).  Yep, some of the writing will be messy.  Honestly, most of it will be messy.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'm excited to dive back into the madness.  Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for hosting.  


  1. It sounds like you really did work with a special group of people! Who helped you finish well!! Selfishly, I hope there will be more stories about the decision, only because I am getting close to where I think I am supposed to make that decision and I don't know how to do it.

  2. I love the thread of -- I don't know how to write about that right now. Really powerful. Congratulations - bitter sweet for sure. I will make it to Ohio for something and we will celebrate!!

  3. Oh my goodness! Like Clare, I appreciate your honesty about not knowing how to write about such a big decision right now, but I'm sure glad you shared the festivities and the thoughts you could right now. Bittersweet, but it's exciting, too! Congratulations! A new journey ahead!

  4. A job well done and more adventures to follow!!!!


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