National Poetry Month: Working 9 - 5 (12 of 30)

It's National Poetry Month. I will be posting a poem each day. No theme. I'm just going to follow the spark each day, wherever I might find it. It's bound to be messy. 

Working 9-5

I work
from 9-5,
chasing mice,
entertaining customers,

I saunter here,
pitter-patter there,
rove the aisles 
when I'm bored
to see if there's 
any mischief.

It pays the bills.
I have a roof
over my head,
food in my bowl,
the occasional catnip. 
It's a living. 

It's a sweet gig:
flexible hours,
a safe work environment
that allows me to save my 
other eight lives for 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2023


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