Day 9 SOL 16: Moments Worth Repeating

across weeks
and years,
we've sat on porches
chatted on patios.

solved life's problems
over queso,
and laughed until
our sides hurt
over ice-cream.

we've shared
in celebrations,
and encouraged
next steps.

we've taught each other
how to pin,
how to n
and how to take a good selfie.

across time
our conversations have moved
from technology,
to school,
to life.

there's something easy
about an evening
filled with friendship;
worth repeating.

For the month of March I will be participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge hosted at Two Writing Teachers.  It will be a busy month of writing, commenting, and learning with this community.  Stop by today's link up to join the conversation or find some great reading.


  1. And you are fortunate indeed, Cathy. I think you should print and frame this for everyone! Love reading it.

  2. So true!! What would we do without our friends that accept us how we are..

  3. What a beautiful slice about your friends!
    It captures so much.
    You are blessed.

  4. Nothing better than an evening with queso, ice cream, conversation, and dear friends!

  5. Makes me want to call my girl friends! Those times are precious! I love your line: 'and laughed until
    our sides hurt
    over ice-cream.'

  6. I cherish these friendships and our time together! Thanks for capturing it in a beautiful poem.


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