Saturdays: #slice2013 2 of 31

I suppose my love for Saturdays started years ago.  As a child I remember my brother and I sneaking out of bed early on Saturday mornings, probably far earlier than we liked waking during the week, to watch cartoons.  The way I remember it, we'd grab a box of cereal and sit down on the floor in front of our television.  We had one of the big console televisions that sat on the ground, foiled rabbit ears atop for better reception, at perfect eye view for us.  Cartoons were an appreciated luxury in a day where you only had three channels and could only watch shows at the time they aired.  Life was tough!

Today I sit here on my couch, gentle snow flurries have danced by our french doors since early this morning, thinking about how much I love Saturdays.  It has been a busy three weeks.  February kicked off with parent teacher conferences.  It takes several evenings over a two week period to meet with all of the parents of my students.  Conferences were followed by the Dublin Literacy Conference.  Since I volunteered to do two sessions, I had much to do to finish preparing for this event.  Then last week was progress reports.  All of these things have to be done outside of my regular teaching day and alongside regular planning, communicating, and preparation.  Though I've never run a marathon, I'm pretty sure this is similar.  You start out confident, then start to wonder if you can make it, and feel a sense of accomplishment at the finish line.

Today I sit here with my computer on my lap reading the stories of other participants in this challenge.  Wondering if these stories were the ones captured, how many were lost today?  Since it's Saturday I have time to consider each post.  I've cooked breakfast for the kids and their friends, watched a movie with my family, been to my nephew's basketball game, and chatted with my mom.

It's been awhile since I've had a Saturday that didn't require me to work, and I must say I am going to savor its every minute.  Yes, my house needs cleaned desperately.  Yes, I have a ton of paperwork I could do.  Yes, I have plans to write and assessments to consider.  Yes, it's time to gather paperwork for taxes.  There's a list --- there is always a list --- but for today I'm going to just sit here in this chair and watch the snow gently fall outside my window...
                                        because it's Saturday.  


  1. I love Saturdays - and ones that stretch ahead of you with time to think. Perfection.

  2. I love Saturdays, too...even in the summer!

  3. Right there with you! Have just finished a super crazy, super busy four weeks. Our house is filthy, and I don't care! It's gorgeous here and I'm going to take the dog for a walk!

  4. It sounds like a well-deserved leisurely Saturday. Enjoy!

  5. Cathy-
    I wouldn't think you were old enough to remember rabbit ears and only three channels on the TV! Thanks for reminding me to slow down once in awhile and appreciate things. My favorite line: Wondering if these stories were the ones captured, how many were lost today? Thanks,

  6. You took me back in time with only three channels and you had to watch it live, those were days long ago. I'm glad you can savor this day, slow down, and enjoy, because it's Saturday.

  7. Cathy,
    I love lazy Saturdays with nothing to do but watch the snow. How those moments have become so few as our lives become a blizzard of work and activities! Enjoy your view and relax today. :)

  8. I also love your "how many were lost" line. I haven't sliced yet today, but my eyes are open and I love your sweet reminder to look for the little things. (And I love your ellipses!)

  9. Cathy,
    You brought back memories of my Saturdays, but being a generation older than you, I watched shows like "Fury", "Sky King", and a few other westerns. Then, when my parents were up and about...there always seemed to be chores. Glad you have a day to savor...and I hope you do. Thanks for the fun memories, even the rabbit ears with foil!

  10. Just how I'm spending mine too. Sometimes we have to give ourselves "permission" to take a day off, don't we.

    I had to smile as you wrote of Saturday mornings as a kid. Our house was the same way. I vividly remember sitting on the couch with my sisters, snuggled under a blanket watching cartoons. Thanks for the memories

  11. There don't seem to be too many of those kind of days, so I'm glad you both wrote about it and are relishing it. I got to stay home all day last Sunday when we had our big snow. I loved every minute, dusted, read, wonderful things! Thanks, Cathy!

  12. I can just hear you saying "because it's Saturday."

  13. Love the visual of you on your couch with the laptop, and snow flurries outside. What a perfect day!
    I'm glad you temporarily ignored all those other things you could be doing and just enjoyed the moment that is Saturday!

  14. I love Saturdays for the same reason Cathy. It's been one of those days that I didn't get anything accomplished for school, but I had a great day reading Slices, going to the movies, and a taking a much needed nap. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

  15. My early Saturdays were so much like yours, except with a sister, who passed away two years ago last month. I savour the memories. And yes yes yes, there's much to do any day of the week, but Saturdays should be for more than the list. I loved this piece, as I do all of your slices.

  16. You amaze me! Sounds like you enjoyed your weekend - yeah!


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