Beginnings: Slice of Life 31 of 31

This post is part of Slice of Life Challenge Thanks Stacey and Ruth : Two Writing Teachers #slice2013 31 of 31 It is hard to believe that we've been writing for 31 days. We made it! Today is the final day for the Slice of Life March Challenge . I've been amazed that so many people have participated. I've enjoyed stopping by blog after blog and reading the small stories in people's lives. I've realized that the small stories are really the big stories. Life is full of small moments that are quite significant. The threads of this challenge weave together to form a quilt of story. Life is full of endings, but it seems endings are quite often new beginnings. As I sat in church this morning listening to the Easter story I was once again reminded of how endings are often new beginnings. Jesus died on the cross and most thought that was the end of the story, but then on third day ...