National Poetry Month '24: What the Oak Knows

It's Poetry Friday...and National Poetry Month. Today's Poetry Friday community roundup is hosted by Heidi Mordhorst. Stop by for all the poetry joy you need today! (If you're interested in the madness I've jumped into this month, scroll to the bottom of this post. Today's craft tip: Achieving Tone.)

Photo by <a href="">Pietro Voso</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
       Photo by Pietro Voso on Unsplash

What the Oak Knows

the oak stands firmly grounded
between fields and fencing. it
watches as cherry, redbud, and
crabapple flower, before opening
its green fingers to the sun. it
knows the rhythm of the farmer who
will plant beans this year instead of
corn, it knows of rain, and the way the
running creek returns every spring. it's
watched houses rise and families
settle. it's weathered snowstorms and
tornadoes, its roots deeply planted. it
knows joy and it knows sorrow, mostly

it knows that the birds start singing
before darkness recedes in morning. 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2024 

For April I've taken a deep dive into The Practicing Poet: Writing Beyond the Basicsedited by Diane Lockward. This book is full of 30 craft tips, so it is the perfect way to shape this month's challenge and dig into the craft of poetry. Stop by my Substack page, Merely in Progress, to follow this month's writing journey, where you will also find reflections, links, and inspiration across the challenge. Of course, this month is really about writing poetry so I will have a new poem posted here each day utilizing a craft tip from the book. Here we go.


  1. Hi, Cathy--
    Wow. What a lot of goodness I've just partaken of. This post, the poem, all the references and sources and wisdom at your Substack! And I'm so happy my post full of kid poems had the same effect on you as on me. Good luck getting through the month practicing your craft tips!

  2. The poem is gorgeous. I really love "before opening its green fingers to the sun." I am a huge fan of the Diane Lockward books too. I have so many pages marked within.

    1. If you have a favorite, I'd love to know. I just purchased "The Strategic Poet" to read next.

  3. Cathy, what a beautiful poem! It artfully captures much in so few words: the spring sequence of flowering trees, farming, weather, human activity, animal activity, solar activity! Lovely!

    1. Thank you, Tracey. I sometimes wish it could tell us all the stories it knows.

  4. Cathy, it is good to connect with you again. Your poem is strong like the oak tree and it whispers of years of watching what humanity and nature offer. Besides this your logo is beautiful. Please consider joining my new padlet and gallery with a spring image poem.

    1. Carol, thank you for stopping by and for the invite. Your seasonal collections are always such a joy.

  5. I love taking the perspective of oak and musing on what it knows...So much wisdom!

    1. Right?!! It feels like the oak should be the one with all the wisdom. However, I can't help but wonder what squirrel might have to say. Ha!

  6. I actually love that you chose to tell us about the oak tree, the joy and sorrow, Cathy, from "its roots deeply planted.". These special trees really do stand apart from others, bending to their own path. It's a very special poem!

    1. There certainly is something special about an oak. We are waiting patiently for our oak to open its leaves.

  7. "opening its green fingers to the sun" is such an apt description. Thank you for all the goodness, Cathy.


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