Slice of Life: Writing is a Habit (31 of 31)

It's the 31st day of the March Slice of Life Challenge . The final day. Thanks to the amazing Two Writing Teachers team for all of their support in this event. Reflections Today ends the third year I have participated in the Slice of Life Challenge. I remember the first year; it was really all I could do to sit down to write each day. There were days I just didn't think I'd be able to get anything down to publish. Year two was a little better, but still sometimes just thinking of what I would write was a challenge. When I joined in year one it was because I wanted to get back into the habit of writing. Like getting back into exercise, I struggled. After the challenge that year my ability to stay in the habit ebbed and flowed. There were times I was writing and times I was not. There were times ideas came easily and times they did not. The First Challenge: Crafting an Interesting Piece Now...