National Poetry Month: The Rumor Among Trees 24 of 30


Weeping Cherry was the first to know, 
    as it witnessed spring's final, fluffy white snow. 
With vigor it shook its soft pink blooms, 
    and said goodbye to the gray and the gloom. 

It shared the good news with Crimson King, 
    who swayed with delight and started to sing. 
For the occasion she'd saved a perfect red dress, 
    with green all around, she was sure to impress. 

Crimson told Sugar, and they cackled with glee 
    at the anticipation of what would soon be. 
Sugar Maple smiled, as she looked down, 
    at the beautiful flowers that covered the ground. 

Old Oak watched the celebration with a steady eye; 
    she noted the warmth and the bright blue sky. 
The rumor among trees was most definitely true 
    she reassured all as the gentle breeze blew. 

The flowers heard Oak confirm the good news, 
    they started to waltz in their finest of hues. 
The birds added music to Earth's morning song 
    for the wise old oak had never been wrong. 

The trees swayed their branches as excitement grew; 
    this was their moment, they knew just what to do. 
The flowers and birds couldn't contain their glee 
    as the whisper among trees shared all that would be. 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2021 

It's National Poetry Month. This year, I selected "CHOOSE JOY" as my One Little Word Phrase. Since I'm on the lookout for JOY, it makes sense to share a poem each day this month about what I find. 


  1. LOVE this! One of your best ever imho!! Oh, the oaks...slow to join in, but wise to wait.


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