National Poetry Month and Poetry Friday: Joy Awaits 16 of 30


Joy Awaits

Some say joy hides
tucked inside 
the smallest of places,
hard to find,
difficult to hold.

Joy doesn't shout
or dance around you.
It doesn't demand 
that you look at it 
or make itself known.

So let me give you
some tips,
dear friend,
to help you find joy
in your busy days. 

Joy is waiting
in little moments 
as you walk 
your daily path.

Joy can be found 
hanging out with your friends,
laughing at their jokes,
listening to their stories,
joining in their fun.

Joy stays in your house,
drinking coffee,
reading books in your living room,
resting in tiny spaces,
right there for you.

Joy can be found
at the end of your day
in quiet pauses
as you look back:
memorable moments.

You see, dear friend,
joy walks beside you,
waiting for you to notice;
the ever steady 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2021

It's Poetry Friday!  
Today's roundup is hosted by Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup. Stop by to enjoy some poetry and/or leave a link. 

It's National Poetry Month. This year, I selected "CHOOSE JOY" as my One Little Word Phrase. Since I'm on the lookout for JOY, it makes sense to share a poem each day this month about what I find. 


  1. I love the idea that joy is "the ever steady companion" - there is comfort in that...and in your poem, Cathy. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. As I have been looking for her, I seem to find she is always right there if I just pay better attention.

  2. What a great poem!!!! You have truly captured joy..

    1. I'm not sure you can capture here. (wink, wink) Maybe you can....

  3. Yes! Love the sentiment in your poem, Cathy. We all need only to take the time to pay attention to find joy. Here's to those quiet moments, too often overlooked.

  4. Joy walks beside you. Yes! Thank you for your poem! xo

    1. It's nice to know she's always there....just waiting.

  5. Yes, "that steady companion" has kept me well this past year, Cathy. Lovely celebratory poem!

    1. Yes, Linda, I think we have all had to remind ourselves she is there this year. I'm grateful that when I just stop for a second I realize she is right there.

  6. Thank you for this poem, Cathy. My grandmother's name was Joy. You could have been describing a visit to her house with this stanza:

    drinking coffee,
    reading books in your living room,
    resting in tiny spaces,
    right there for you.

  7. Love the personification of joy in your poem, Cathy. Such a comforting feel!

  8. So well said. Happiness is definitely in the small things.

  9. Love this: Joy is waiting in little unexpected moments...

  10. This poem is a perfect expansion of your phrase, choose joy. Lovely!

  11. Joy makes life so much better and your lovely poem shows that it can be in seemingly ordinary places, if you just notice. I liked these lines:
    tucked inside
    the smallest of places,
    resting in tiny spaces,
    right there for you.

    Janet Clare F.

  12. I love this!!! Like several others, I love the idea of joy as a steady companion! Perfect!

  13. Love your poem. A great reminder to pay attention.

  14. Joy does walk beside us Cathy is we but pause. Thanks for the reminder.

  15. I love the idea of joy tucked inside our days, like pollen in your lovely photo!

  16. We just need to stop, look, listen, and feel. Joy is everywhere. So lovely, Cathy.


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