National Poetry Month: A Million Sunrises


A Million Sunrises

I was disappointed 
to learn 
I would have to live
to be 2,739
to see 1,000,000

As orange bursts
pink pops
yellow slips
across the sky, 
I consider this. 

Even after 2,739 years
would I have seen
them all? 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2021

It's National Poetry Month. This year, I selected "CHOOSE JOY" as my One Little Word Phrase. Since I'm on the lookout for JOY, it makes sense to share a poem each day this month about what I find. 


  1. Do you know A.E. Houseman's "Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now"? That bit that says "And since to look at things in bloom / Fifty springs are little room," is in my head every spring. (Actually, the whole poem is...) We just never know if this will be our last spring, or how many more we'll have, so I never apologize to myself for glorying in all she has to offer!!


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