National Poetry Month: Joy Awaits 30 of 30

W e made it! This month I have been on the quest for joy. I've managed to write about a bit of joy each day. The month has reminded me that joy is often found in the simplest of moments. Here is the final poem for National Poetry Month. Joy Awaits Poetry books line shelves. Words tumble on pages. Placed in perfect arrangement. Arranged. Rearranged. Small moments captured. Quest for meaning. Days of dreaming. Arranged. Rearranged. Soothes souls. Tells truths. Rights wrongs. Sings songs. Arranged. Rearranged. Syllables, Words, Lines, Verse. Arranged. Rearranged. Poetry heals hearts. Provides fresh starts. Arranged. Rearranged. Poetry. Joy. Found. © Cathy L. Mere, 2021 It's Poetry Friday! Today's roundup is hosted by Matt Forrest Esenwine at Radio, Rhythm and Rhyme . Stop by to enjoy some poetry and/or leave a link. It's National Poetry Month. Th...