9 of 30: Wiggly Jiggly Tooth

As a first grade teacher wiggly teeth are my life.   I'm pretty sure most of our tissues are used for teeth --- not colds.  Today I thought I'd try a fun, rhyme-y poem about wiggly teeth.

Wiggly Jiggly Tooth
My tooth is loose,
He said with a shout.
My tooth is loose,
Make it come out.

He wiggled and wiggled,
Moved the tooth to and fro.
He jiggled and jiggled,
But it wouldn't let go.

I want it out now!
He twisted left and then right.
He started to howl.
Pushed with all of his might.

It would not come out,
No matter how hard he tried.
He started to pout;
He cried and he cried.

The kids all watched him.
His teacher hoped he'd quit wiggling.
Her patience was slim,
As the class started giggling.

He grabbed a tissue,
Wiggled a little bit more.
It was becoming an issue,
As he sat on the floor.

He soon felt a sneeze,
Move from way down near his shoes.
He said, "Excuse me please,"
And yelled ah-ah ah-choo.

Across the whole classroom,
That tooth it did fly.
Not a moment too soon,
He was heard to sigh.

Now he has a big space,
Where the tooth used to be.
The smile on his face,
Says, "Yay, lucky me!"

© Cathy L. Mere, 2012


  1. Cathy, I am so impressed...a poem a day! I'm enjoying reading your poetry and want to try sound clouds with my writing club tomorrow.

    1. I can't wait to hear how it goes. I am thinking about using it with my first graders as well. I typically have them publish poems on Pixie as I can combine sound, text, and picture, but Sound Cloud has some potential. Let me know what you think!


  2. This is just a great poem/story. Did it really happen like that? I know it sounds 'teacher-y' but I love the details you gave, which showed the time moving & his fierce determination! Also, the ending-just right! And-I looked up Sound Cloud, have not heard of it, so thanks!
    I like the comment reply & agree. I do need to just set a time to read the books I want to read. I spend too much time with other things.

  3. SPOT ON!
    ...except...if that tooth went flying, the next drama is finding it so he can go to the nurse and get one of those cute little tooth-holder necklaces. (Do they have those at your school?)


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