National Poetry Month 10 of 30: Magic Wand

Magic Wand

If you've got curls
that won't be tamed,
just look around
and call my name.

Just plug me in
and we'll be set.
A curl my match,
I haven't met.

Just pull me through
your crazy hair.
Give me a try
if you dare.

Say goodbye
to curls and wave.
Your wild hair
I can save.

Say goodbye
to fluff and frizz.
Fixing hair
is just my biz.

So plug me in,
crank up the heat.
The end result
just can't be beat.

© Cathy L. Mere

April is National Poetry Month.  Again this year, inspired by Mary Lee Hahn, I'm joining other poetry bloggers (view links in sidebar) taking the challenge to share poetry each day during the month of April.  For thirty days my hope is to write a new poem each day.  The first two years I took this challenge I wrote any poem that found me.  This year, however, I've decided to try to write a poem about an object each day.  If you've read Billy Collins' poem, The Lanyard, you may have noticed the way he took an object to tell a much more meaningful story of his relationship with his mother.  My hope is to find the deeper significance in the things around me.


  1. You think it's better than the old baseball hat??!!! I can still see you sitting at the breakfast table with your baseball hat on trying to calm the curls..

  2. Fun! Love my magic wand! And I love to hear your voice reading the poems on Sound Cloud! I haven't been that brave yet!


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