The Clock: National Poetry Month 30 of 30

The clock ticks and I sit fingers at the keyboard fighting a poem yet again. The clock tocks and I wish it would tell me what to write, whisper words to me. The clock's hands move in circles; my hands wait patiently for words to fill the page. Minutes turn to hours while I search for rhythms to make lines sing. Waiting on the moment when poem and pen become one. © Cathy L. Mere 2014 Well, this poem explains about a third of my nights in April as I tried to get a poem posted by midnight. In March I wrote every day as part of the Slice of Life Challenge. This month I have written 30 poems about objects. It's been a bit of a challenge. My hope had been to capture the stories behind the objects of our lives . For the first seven days of the challenge I wrote about " objects of memory ," then " objects I just can't live without ," " school objects " and finally a little " playground poetry ." Of cours...