Poetry Month: Tiny Pleasures 16 of 30

It's here!  It's National Poetry Month!  I'll hoping to write a poem every day this month.  I've decided to keep it simple this year.  I'm going to write about whatever strikes me each day.  I suppose it will be like a rollercoaster ride of poetry.  You'll never be quite sure what you're in for from day to day.

Today's inspiration:  Tiny Pleasures calendar

Tiny Pleasures

morning coffee,
time to read,

quiet drive,
a favorite song,
extra time.

lunch with a friend,
a surprise text,

good conversation,
a smile,

heron spotting,
a hummingbird,

family time,
dinner out,

tiny pleasures

© Cathy L. Mere, 2019


  1. I love that poetry helps me to slow down and pay attention to these tiny pleasures! You and I enjoy many of the same things!

  2. So much joy in these few words. Reading your words brings smiles and and delight! Thanks for writing this tiny pleasures poem.


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