Poetry Month: Affirmation 12 of 30

It's Poetry Friday.  Today's roundup is hosted by Irene Latham at Live Your Poem.  

It's here!  It's National Poetry Month!  I'll hoping to write a poem every day this month.  I've decided to keep it simple this year.  I'm going to write about whatever strikes me each day.  I suppose it will be like a rollercoaster ride of poetry.  You'll never be quite sure what you're in for from day to day.

Today's inspiration:  a picture book moment

She opened the book,
page after page turned
in silent contemplation.

She slowly looked up,
a deep pause
settled around her.

Her outstretched hand
moving back and forth
on the smooth cover.

Her brown eyes fixed on mine,
exchanged a thousand words
in silence.

Words from the pages
taken in,
bared stories long forgotten.

Confirmation that she
was not alone
in her experience.

Affirmation that she mattered
found in the pages
of a book.

© Cathy L. Mere, 2019


  1. "Confirmation that she was not alone" and "affirmation that she mattered." I look, constantly, for books that do this for me and for my readers. There is nothing like a powerful picture book. Perfect lines!

  2. I love reading your detailed observations of the natural world, your family life, and your teaching!

  3. There is a simple picture book that has helped a granddaughter learn about being brave. She has struggled with some bullying these past 2 years, & as you wrote, she saw herself in those words, Cathy. This is beautifully written, that 'affirmation' & 'confirmation' so powerful. And I loved "exchanged a thousand words
    in silence."

  4. Confirmation that she
    was not alone
    in her experience.

    I think this is the most wonderful gift a book can give. This poem is lovley!

  5. I too am taken in by your unraveling detail and this line also:
    "Words from the pages
    taken in,
    bared stories long forgotten."


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