SOLS #31!!! A Mudder's Love

I can't believe it is the last day of this challenge. This has gone way better than my exercise plans. Thank you so much to Stacey and Ruth , Two Writing Teachers , for bringing together this community. My hope was to establish a writing habit, but more than that I have learned so much from all the participants. I've learned the world is full of stories, we just have to slow down long enough to capture them. What's next? My plan is to continue to write on Tuesdays by participating in the weekly Slice of Life . For the month of April I'm going to join Mary Lee Hahn and write a poem a day. Why not. "Fill your paper with breathings of your heart," William Wordsworth . It doesn’t seem long ago we dropped our oldest daughter off for college. Cortney has always had an interest in reading. Actually to say she has an interest would be a huge understatement. She is definitely #nerdybookc...