National Poetry Month: Mourning Song (21 of 30)

Today is Poetry Friday!!! I'm joining the Poetry Friday Community to spread a little poetry love. Karen Edmiston* is hosting this week's celebration. (Thanks, Karen.) Stop by for your daily dose of poetry. 

It's National Poetry Month. I will be posting a poem each day. No theme. I'm just going to follow the spark each day, wherever I might find it. It's bound to be messy. 

Ken Thomas, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

dove wakes the earth,
a melancholy song,
serene lament of seasons past;

© Cathy L. Mere, 2023


  1. I like this cinquain with the homophones echoing each other and both setting a tone!

  2. Dove song is perfectly captured here -- both serene AND a lament.

  3. make that last word so pretty

  4. It would be loving if many paid attention to this brief poem. Thanks, Cathy!

  5. Beautiful cinquain, Cathy! I especially like the juxtaposition of "morning" and "mourning" and the feelings of joy yet sadness created between those two words. Thanks for sharing.


  6. "Serene lament of seasons past" — gorgeous, Cathy.

  7. Beautiful! I posted a mourning dove haiku earlier this month.


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