Slice of Life: What's Your Commenting Plan? 8 of 31

Each year when I weigh whether to join the Slice of Challenge, I have two conversations with myself.  The first is always about whether I can produce 31 days of writing and be okay with the "unfinishedness" of some posts.  The second is about commenting.  One of my favorite things about the challenge is going from blog to blog to read the writing of others in the community, but commenting can be its own challenge.  

My typical plan is to comment on the three blogs before my post on TWT when I leave my comment.  This usually gives me a chance to visit a wide variety of blogs and discover a few new favorites.  Over the last few years, I have been hearing more and more about people later in the day not getting as many comments.  This year, I decided to change my plan, instead of commenting on three before me, I now comment on the post before mine, the one after mine and one that was posted 12 hours before or after my post.  Additionally, I am trying to be more intentional to go back later in the evening when I have time or first thing the next morning to find a few late posts to read and leave a comment.  

Commenting is truly its own challenge.  I'd love to hear how you are managing commenting.  Any great tips?  

It's March and I'm diving back into the March Slice of Life Challenge!  Buckle in!  This will be my 8th year joining the community (though I must confess to a two year break).  Yep, some of the writing will be messy.  Honestly, most of it will be messy.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'm excited to dive back into the madness.  Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for hosting.  


  1. I really enjoyed your slice today because it reminds me that having a plan is always helpful! My commenting plan is like yours - post my link, comment on 3! Then I try to come back later in the day to comment on more posts! Good luck to you on your March writing journey!

    1. Coming back later is a wise suggestion. I'm trying to do more of this.

  2. Like you, I get so much from reading other blog posts. I only wish I had more time to comment! I always post my comment before reading any others. Then I randomly pick three posts to comment on right away. Later in the day, I almost always go back and comment on more posts. I like your intention to deliberately visit later posters. Happy Writing!

    1. I usually post before I read too, but I must admit that on days when writing is tricky I sometimes read first. This usually provides some much needed inspiration.

  3. I ALWAYS regret that I do not have more time to comment. Being part of the Welcome Wagon determines some of my commenting, but I always do at least a few more than that. I hate that I know every day there are some gems I miss. My own fomo is real! I have to admit the teasers people write often draw me in and my difficult time zone means my options are limited unless I go back the next day and then I feel like I am "behind"...

    1. I can only imagine the timezone challenges! I think FOMO is the really challenge of March! It's like being at a national conference and knowing that you are always missing something! Interesting that teasers pull you into posts. I rarely spend time on this, but have often wondered about teasers and the power of a good title. Erika, you keep me thinking!

  4. I comment on a few when I post. I comment on a few on my plan time as long as I am not called to substitute. I comment on a few around dinner time. Occasionally, I comment on a few later in the evening. I have noticed there are not nearly as many comments on the ones posted later. For sure!

    1. I like your idea to pop in at different times of the day. I think about how often I have five minutes here and there. I need to do this more often.

  5. I'm always interested in reading about commenting plans. In previous years, I've been able to spend 45 minutes or an hour just commenting on slices, but this year, I don't have that schedule flexibility. I'm still trying to get to 10-12 blogs per day to leave comments. I'm a morning slicer but start by visiting yesterday's post on TWT and commenting on several late-night slices. Those often have zero comments! I comment on a few when I write my slice, then when I check comments on my blog I'll try to visit a few more and comment, then try to wrap it up in the evening with a few more comments. Spread throughout the day, it only takes a few minutes each time to leave comments. I try to spend more time commenting on weekends and catching up on friends' blogs that I've missed during the week. I cut out other things that I do this month to make more time for commenting (I spend very little time on Twitter in March because I use that time to comment instead).

    1. This! Elisabeth, you certainly have given me several good ideas --- and raised the bar on commenting a bit. Spreading commenting throughout the day seems manageable and something I will try.

  6. Thank you so much for this post. Like you, I've taken to developing my own response pattern to other posts. In fact, I change it up every day. Today, it was "respond to every other sixth post." Yesterday it was "respond to the three people who posted before you." Yes, like you, I am changing up how I read and post. What I appreciate most about your entry is the comment about responding to those who post later in the day. I'm going to work this into my schedule, too, by reading and responding to a post or two in the evening. Thanks so much for these observations and suggestions!

    1. Ha! I love this! Why do I picture a dice or magic eight ball with the daily commenting suggestion?! Or maybe there's an app for this? Bahahahaha.

  7. A plan might be helpful! I do not have one as yet and feel like I have been lax in commenting. There seem to be so many more slicers than in previous years that I try to reach as many new blogs as I can. I've also been first to comment on a few occasions which actually feels kind of special. I'd like to manage that more often.

    1. I try to keep a plan for my minimum commenting. It helps to reduce the guilt. Everything beyond the suggested three is a bonus. I feel like I'm winning every time I get back for more commenting. There are several suggestions here in the comments that help me think of new ways to plan for commenting.

  8. What a generous plan and helpful reminder about supporting this writing community and also about supporting the writers we teach intentionally- with a plna.

    1. There have been so many helpful ideas in the comments.

  9. Great minds must think alike. I was thinking about writing about commenting today. Last year, I mostly wrote at night, just because that is when I could make time. The problem with that is you basically get almost no comments, which makes it a little discouraging to write. This year, early in the morning, I read the last five posts, or sometimes a few more, from the day before, and comment on them. I also comment on the three posts right before mine, kind of similar to what you do. I always read a few old favorite friends, like yours, and Elisabeth Ellington's. And I kind of have a rule for myself that if I read a post, I have to take a minute and comment on it.

    1. Agree! I always try to comment if I have stopped by. I'm sure it is harder in your timezone. I have been trying to write the night before so I can post early in the morning. It then feels easier to spend time commenting at night. Sometimes this works - and sometimes....

  10. Being on the west coast, I'm always late to the posting game. I tend to browse through the many posts, stopping at those that catch my eye. I usually read more than I comment and often return to writers again and again. I like the potential of developing a relationship.


  11. It is true, and having a plan is helpful. This week, I'm going to try and visit the previous day's post and comment on a handful of the late-late posters that are getting it in under the wire. I always find new people posting at that time of night too, so it will be a good morning routine for this week.

  12. Commenting is always a challenge for me, too. Some days are easier than others. I don't have a plan, but commeting is such a delicate dance. I think it is important that we all understand our time is limited and we just have to do the best we can. Happy writing...and commenting!

  13. I tend to get carried away with commenting. And I have to step away from the computer! But I've been trying to give some time to the late slicers, and the slicers new-to-me, and the slice topics that call to me, and the slicers I've known for years. I like your before, after, and 12 hours before or after plan.


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