Slice of Life: Here We Go (Again) 1 of 31

It's March and I'm diving back into the March Slice of Life Challenge!  Buckle in!  This will be my 8th year joining the community (though I must confess to a two year break).  Yep, some of the writing will be messy.  Honestly, most of it will be messy.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'm excited to dive back into the madness.  Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for hosting.  

I glanced at my watch: February 25th.  Where has the month gone? I wondered to myself.  It's almost March.  After nearly a year of living life in a pandemic, March just felt like a chance for a restart.  A year since we first learned of the challenge with COVID ahead.  A year since we let go of life as we knew it.  A year of challenges.  No matter who you are - and what you think of all of this - your life has been impacted.  




Then it hit me.  March is also the Slice of Life Challenge.  My conversation with myself went something like this...

Girl, don't do it.

I'm not going to do it, Girl.  I was just thinking about it.  I'm not going to do it.  


[Search Two Writing Teachers] 

[Click Slice of Life Challenge] 

[Register for Slice of Life Challenge] 

I did it.

I know.  Too much Tik Tok since last March.  The point is, I did it.  I decided to take the plunge and join the March madness that is the Slice of Life Challenge.  Oh my.  

I haven't written for the last two years during the challenge and, honestly, the blog has been pretty quiet.  Oh, if I had the stories from last March!!!!  March of 2021 is sure to bring some new stories.  

Thankfully, I found my old advice for the Slice of Life Challenge from the last time I participated.  I think it will serve me well.

Here we go!  


  1. Here we go! I'm with you and took the to build in the daily routines to post and comment. =) So glad to slice with you!

    1. Usually I try to comment on three before me. This year my plan is to comment on the person before me, after me, and 12 hours opposite my time --- and then as many more as I can squeeze into the time. You're right, commenting is the challenge.

  2. Yippee, so glad to see you here! I miss your "voice"!

  3. Seeing your name stopped my scroll! Welcome back.

  4. This slice made me laugh. I had the same conversation with myself. "Absolutely not,you are NOT signing up for this, you are NOT slicing this month." And click, click, click there I was, all signed up!

    1. ...and here we are. Though we will both experience some days that will have us question our decision making - we will both be glad we did it in the end.

  5. I'm delighted you're back with us this month, Cathy! So many wonderful things have been happened in your life since you last Sliced. I'm sure that having a month to document them all will be wonderful. :-)

  6. Sometimes we just have to jump back into things! This is the kind of thing that's hard to regret; your adventure is sure to pay off.

    1. You are so right! It seemed the right time to dive back into the fun.

  7. OHHH Cathy, I'm so glad you are back and of course I feel nudged. I'm going for a walk to think....can't wait to follow your journey.

    1. Mandy, thank you. It is you that nudge me. I just wish I had the Mandy energy level!

  8. Yup, I played that same 'girl, don't do it' track in my head. But now I'm surfing through and finding all the blogs and I'm so excited to write & read / comment again!! YAY

    1. Right there with you! I might be more excited about the commenting part than the writing part. Let's see what we can get into this month.


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