Day 4 SOL 16 & Poetry Friday: Hidden No More


For the month of March I will be participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge hosted at Two Writing Teachers.  It will be a busy month of writing, commenting, and learning with this community.  Stop by today's link up to join the conversation or find some great reading.

It's Poetry Friday.  Stop by Teacher Dance where Linda Baie leads the musical melody of beautiful words.  


  1. Good morning! What a beautiful poem to go along with a beautiful snowy morning. I was just looking outside, marveling at the simple beauty an early morning snow brings. Have a wonderful day!

  2. I love the picture that goes along with the poem. It is snowing outside my window. I just helped my daughter pack her car for a 15 hour car trip. As she pulled out of the driveway I studied our footprints. I was suprised by the quantity of footsteps that left the mark of preparing her for her journey.

  3. I love both the photo and the poem! I think it would be fun to show the kids this picture, or something similar and let them try writing to it.

  4. This is so wonderful! Before your poem I wouldn't be able to imagine snow this morning (yesterday it was 81 in Austin, TX) but thanks to your words, my perspective of March 4th weather is transformed. Have a beautiful day.

  5. That's lovely...we've had so little snow, that I believe I have come to miss it.

  6. I love this beautiful poem! It reflects something I've wondered about a lot after the blizzard that left behind 30 inches of snow. We have a fenced-in backyard, yet there were large tracks in our backyard. Could it have been a bear that hopped the fence (and hopped back out)? I'll never know. I only looked at them from the safety of my kitchen window.

  7. Wonderful that you chose to ask about this footprint, and it is mesmerizing, Cathy. Do you know what made it? The poem wonders/wanders? just enough to tantalize.

  8. You know you had me when there was a photo to go with the writing. I've been toying with including photos of my noticing and a picture of my notebook but playing around with what that might look like on the blog. I like the pattern with repetition, Who's. I think students can catch on to that.

  9. I love the way you imagined the story behind these footprints, Cathy. I like to think they were "just playing/in the winter white."

  10. How fun it is to wonder along with you!


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