Day 31 SOL 16: Shifting to Poetry

"One learns by thinking and writing, and by talking about writing - but primarily through writing." ---Mary Oliver, A Poetry Handbook (p. 17) Today one door closes another one opens, as today I step from the month long Slice of Life Writing Challenge with Two Writing Teachers into a month of writing poetry for April's National Poetry Month celebration. I'm looking forward to spending some time writing poetry. This is my third year to join poetry bloggers in a month of writing (thanks, Mary Lee , for the nudge and inspiration). Many moons ago I was talking about poetry with a friend and poet. We were discussing poetry and I was lamenting that poets seemed to have a style. I'm always trying to figure out my style. Do I write for children or adults? Do I write about small things or moments? What type of poetry feels right when I sit down to put words on paper? Without skipping a beat, my friend commented, "...