Poetry Friday: Put Away Your Judgment Pen

It's Poetry Friday! Today's roundup is hosted by Linda Baie at Teacher Dance. Stop by for a breath of fresh of poetry air. Whew! Last month was busy as I wrote and posted a poem each day. I'm sure you all get it! When publishing a poem, each day is an act of vulnerability because you know you will have to post poems before they feel ready for the world. That being said, I needed the push to get a poem on paper every day and, it worked. (Though I use the word "poem" loosely. Ha!) Here's a quick list of April's National Poetry Month celebration highlights: Three Things I Did Collected Links on a Padlet : During National Poetry Month, I wanted to be able to collect the crumbs of discovery throughout the month so I decided to keep a Padlet of links. I wasn't quite as diligent as I had hoped, but I have a reasonable collection of nuggets. Supported Poetry Spaces : This year, I made sure to make contributions to the poetry spaces that I return to repeate...