Tonight I Chased the Moon

Only 3 more days until the daily Slice of Life challenge begins.  I'm getting warmed up....


tonight i chased the moon
hanging in the dark sky
its full face shining
where land meets sky

tonight i chased the moon
trying to capture its beauty
one picture to prove
the wonder i had witnessed

tonight i chased the moon 
as it rested on treetops
hid behind houses
taunting - daring me to try

tonight i chased the moon
as it laughed
come play with me
knowing i would never win

© Cathy L. Mere


  1. Love moon poems, Cathy. I tried to take pictures last night of 'moon shadows' outside, but I don't have a good enough camera. I like the repetition in your poem-it's rather dreamy, too!

    1. Linda,
      That is exactly the problem I was having. I guess we just need better tools to capture the beauty.


  2. I chased that moon all the way home from our meet up on Monday evening...the full moon evening. Beautiful poem...thanks for sharing in the midst of your busy week. Thanks for setting the example that we do have the time to write.
    Thanks for helping find my way to this writing road we'll both be traveling.
    And yes...I have more questions!

    1. Trish,
      Wasn't it beautiful! I just wish I could have captured a picture of it --- in photos or in words.

      I'm not sure I'm setting any kind of example. Honestly, I think I was just procrastinating the overwhelming task of progress reports.

      I'm glad you'll be joining me as I meander down the road.

      I always have time for questions! :o)


  3. Your poem reminds me of the rainbow I tried to capture on film this past week. I love these lines - "one picture to prove
    the wonder i had witnessed"
    It's great fun to be surprised by our natural world. Thanks for capturing your time with the moon in this poem.

    1. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to capture things exactly the way we see them? I wish I had a camera that takes pictures of life exactly the way I see it or the ability to put words together that describe a moment perfectly.


  4. Love this poem! i tried to capture the moon in a photo - and did an okay job. But it was so gorgeous - words would probably have been better.
    I create a dreamboard every full moon - a testament to its opower.

    1. Beverly,
      What is a dreamboard? I'd love to hear more about it.


  5. What a way to warm up for the challenge! This was great! My husband would agree that the moon does taunt us. He can never get a good sleep when he knows there's a full moon out there.

  6. Thanks, Elsie. Trying to get ready for the fun. I'm not as worried about the writing every day as the carving out time to read the posts of others. I found last year I enjoyed seeing the many different styles and topics of posts last year.


  7. Lovely. Your words gave me a mental image of that elusive moon!

  8. I love the personification and repetition in your poem! Beautiful! Grat imagery!


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