Poetry Month: Urban Paradise 9 of 30

For the month of April, I'll be writing poetry each day in celebration of National Poetry Month.  I've decided not choose a theme, not to plan the writing, but instead to wait to see what poetry finds me each day. 

They say our ancestors
floated on ponds,
swam in rushing rivers,
nested near lakes.

Some friends
still miss that peace,
the quiet calm of waters deep,
resting in whispering grasslands.

Me, I'm happy here
in my blacktop ocean.
The warmth of the sun
radiating from asphalt fields.

No more foraging
the nearby farmlands
for golden grains
or berries plump and ripe.

I've found my paradise:
vast black landscapes,
the clamoring of crowds,
and the occasional scrap discarded.

I'll raise my family here
in the land of abundance
where opportunity surrounds
and tomorrow brings possibility.

© Cathy L. Mere, 2018


  1. I love this! How funny that they have set up housekeeping on that blacktop ocean by a Chipotle!!!


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