Poetry Month: Spring Waltz 14 of 30

For the month of April, I'll be writing poetry each day in celebration of National Poetry Month.  I've decided not choose a theme, not to plan the writing, but instead to wait to see what poetry finds me each day. 

daffodils dancing,
reaching for sunlight's bright hand.
wondrous spring waltz.

© Cathy L. Mere, 2018


  1. My favorite! And I totally agree- it is a wondrous spring waltz!!!

    Your poem makes me think of Ralph Fletcher's daffodil poem:


    They put on
    a little show
    simply by being
    so yellow.

    Their stems
    darkly green
    against the
    faded brown barn.

    Ralph Fletcher
    from Ordinary Things: Poems from a Walk in Early Spring

  2. Love your use of alliteration! My daffodils were bouncing their heads to the beat of the breezes!

  3. Beautiful haiku. It fits the daffodil so well. The photo is glorious!


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