Slice of Life: When You're Vintage

It was a mistake from the minute it began. 

I'll just go through these shirts that are hanging today, I told myself. I pulled them out of the closet and placed each in one of three piles: love it (very small pile), meh (it fits and it's okay, but I don't love it), buh-bye. Once the shirts were piled on the bed, I realized I should go through all of my clothes that were hanging in our tiny closet as well as the pile of shoes which desperately needed sorted and returned to their organizer. The closet is small and to do these tasks in parts, on different days, really didn't make much sense.

Pulling items out of a closet is quick and usually where the trouble begins. It wasn't long until my dress pants were in sorted piles, dresses were pulled out, and shoes were out of the closet and strewn across the floor. As I looked around the room, I realized what had begun as a thirty-minute clutter clearing task for the day was now a project. There was no turning back.

Quickly I hung the "love it" (really, I'm using this phrase loosely) back in the closet. It was time to tackle the "meh" pile. As I began, I reminisced about the days growing up when you always had a friend willing to give you the truth about the items in your closet. I tried shirts on, gave them a good look for wear, hung some back up and folded others for removal. Finally I came to a shirt that I figured should be removed, but I loved its comfort. I snapped a picture to my daughter and the conversation went like this:

I continued to work through the pile and came to another shirt that had me perplexed, snapped a picture and sent it to my daughter. This time I had to roll at her response:

"A vintage kind of way." I had to laugh. As I looked at the clothes around me I realized a lot of my closet is "vintage." I guess it's all perspective. 

It's Tuesday. Today I join the Two Writing Teachers Community to share a little slice of life. Stop by today's Two Writing Teachers post to join the conversation or enjoy a little snapshot of life. 


  1. I end up doing much of my clothes shopping when I return to the US once a year (since I do not have the dainty proportions that allows me to buy much locally) and not having been back for two years is really edging me entirely to vintage (on a good day!).

  2. I just went through this very thing! It was quite easy to make the "no" pile. My "meh" pile is in another closet awaiting its fate. I am thinking I can thin out the kept portion of my closet a little more and I haven't even begun to tackle the shoes... lucky you had a trusted source for advice! That "vintage" statement is priceless! Perfect seed for a great Slice.

  3. I've never been successful at this task. I hold onto everything! Good for you for digging through. I like how you included your conversation with your daughter. Love the idea of "vintage".

  4. I am more than vintage!!! I still have things that hung in that closet you just cleaned!!!!!

  5. Cathy, that is awesome! Go vintage! I love the three piles. I think I'll have to do that, as now that my classroom is cleaned out, I'm starting to work on home.

  6. I have similar conversations with my daughter! :)


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