Slice of Life: When You're Vintage

It was a mistake from the minute it began. I'll just go through these shirts that are hanging today, I told myself. I pulled them out of the closet and placed each in one of three piles: love it (very small pile), meh (it fits and it's okay, but I don't love it), buh-bye. Once the shirts were piled on the bed, I realized I should go through all of my clothes that were hanging in our tiny closet as well as the pile of shoes which desperately needed sorted and returned to their organizer. The closet is small and to do these tasks in parts, on different days, really didn't make much sense. Pulling items out of a closet is quick and usually where the trouble begins. It wasn't long until my dress pants were in sorted piles, dresses were pulled out, and shoes were out of the closet and strewn across the floor. As I looked around the room, I realized what had begun as a thirty-minute clutter clearing task for the day was now a project. There was no turning back. Quickly I...