Slice of Life: Be Kind to Yourself

On Sunday, both of my daughters celebrated their first Mother's Day. It had me all nostalgic. I don't remember my first Mother's Day. Time does that. 

My first plan was to write a list of things I would suggest for them in the coming years. I started thinking back to all the things I would do differently. Of course, that led me to all the things I also wouldn't change. Raising our kids was such a delight - and a lot of hard work. That's just how it is. It quickly became abundantly clear that there isn't a list of ways to perfect this motherhood thing and keep yourself afloat. Instead I think I would just have to say...

Be kind to yourself. 

On the days
you could sleep 
standing up. 
when you aren't sure 
the best way forward. 
when you're certain you can't continue. 

Be kind to yourself.

There will be times
when your child is sick
and you'll wonder if they need a doctor.
when they are challenging,
and you'll wonder
the best way help them grow.

Be kind to yourself.

There will be moments
when you scroll 
through social media,
sure that all the other moms
are better at this than you,
as you see their smiling faces,
well-dressed children, 
in perfectly posed snapshots.
Know it is just that - one moment.

And be kind to yourself.

There will be mornings
where you look in the mirror 
and wonder about the person staring back.
You'll ask yourself when was the last time
you saw your closest friends,
slept until noon,
or weren't responsible for so much.

Be kind to yourself.

The years ahead will be
full of beautiful ordinary.
a small hand that grabs your hand,
a smile that melts your heart,
a giggle that fills a room.
a quiet moment stolen. 

So be kind to yourself. 

© Cathy L. Mere, 2021 

It's Tuesday. Today I join the Two Writing Teachers Community to share a little slice of life. Stop by today's Two Writing Teachers post to join the conversation or enjoy a little snapshot of life. 


  1. Such wonderful words to new mothers... Be kind to yourself is probably one of the hardest things to do when you are a mom..

  2. I love everything about this post--such wise words for your daughters (and the rest of us, past that early mommy-hood stage). What a beautiful family you are growing!

  3. So I am late with my response but I am being kind to myself since I had a touch of vertigo this week. Your poem is just right for inspiration to reflect upon. Have a great week.

  4. This is beautiful!!! It made me cry!!!

  5. Oh, Cathy, it is so beautiful. I wish all moms could read it.

  6. And how wonderful about your daughters! Precious times!


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