Who Would Have Known?

It's Tuesday so stop by Two Writing Teachers to join tonight's link-up and conversation . There's something about moving from blog to blog to savor the little stories that make us smile. Thanks to Julie Johnson for helping me get my fingers on the keyboard tonight with her post, Nourishing the Teacher Writer . Growing up, I was not a sports fan. Hardly able to dribble a ball and chew gum at the same time, I just never took to sports. My physical education teachers were patient with my challenges. I worked hard. I tried. I listened. Somehow it just never seemed to work. My friends were all big athletes so I spent my time keeping statistics for teams so I could hang out with them. Living in a small football town you can imagine the complications of growing up uninterested in sports. The challenges didn't end on the field. I had to learn to handle sports fans in my everyday world as well. One of my best friend...