Slice of Life: Cowbirds? Seriously?
Today I'm joining Tuesday's Slice of Life event at Two Writing Teachers. Stop by. As always, thanks Ruth and Stacey. Today when I returned from school, I grabbed my heavy bag of paperwork out of the car and began to walk up the sidewalk. It's a busy time of year so I try to notice the small things that keep me going. After a long weekend working in the yard, I smiled to myself as I paused long enough to notice the new hakuro nishiko willow shrubs we planted last week. I took a moment to enjoy the irises in bloom around the sidewalk. Then something unusual caught my attention. A nest in our rose bush? I hadn't noticed that before. The nest was small and would have easily fit into my hand. It was carefully made with small pieces woven tightly together. How could I have missed it? When I glanced inside I noticed four small eggs. The eggs were lightly speckled and blue. Though robin's have blue eggs, thi...