One Day Closer

Today I'm joining Slice of Life Tuesday hosted at Two Writing Teachers.  Thanks, Ruth & Stacey.  

This morning
I placed the duffel
in my car
trying to commit
to going to
the gym.

This afternoon
I tried to think 
of a million reasons
I couldn't go.
I tried to change
the plan.

Too tired.
Too much work. 
Need to be home.
Need to cook dinner.
Should read.
Should write.

This evening
I jumped in the car
the duffel 
with shoes tucked 
neatly inside
reminded me of
the commitment.

One day closer
to a new


  1. That's great, Cathy! It's about trudging in and making it fit into your life. Eventually it becomes a lifestyle.

    That being said, I've been sick for the past three weeks and haven't worked out. I totally miss it. I actually can't wait 'til I can breathe well enough to get back on the elliptical. Crazy, I know!

  2. Good for you! I applaud your actions as I sit on the couch reading and commenting. (But I did walk today)

  3. Stick to it, Cathy! As much as seems like too much, you will feel so much better after working out. I say this even though I'm struggling with the same thoughts. That is one reason why I exercise in the morning to start the day -- otherwise, all those excuses... I will say the last couple mornings have been tough, but my workout buddy (my hubby) helps/pushes me out of bed!

    Way to be proactive and make it that habit!

    1. I worked out this morning! Hope you will do the same for yourself today too! :)

  4. Good for you for just doing! And you wrote too!

  5. Making a healthy (or writerly) habit is SO hard, but once it's yours, it's priceless!


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