Today I Celebrate Tradition

Today I'm joining Ruth Ayres in celebration. Stop by Ruth Ayres Writes for links to other celebrations. Thanks, Ruth. Yesterday the snow fell outside as I sat on the couch near our french doors and watched it gently float to the ground. It wasn't long before the green beyond our doors had turned to a beautiful bright white. There was something about the snow nestled in the branches of the evergreens. There was something about its gentle descent from the sky. There was something about this change that finally motivated me head to my basement to grab the plastic tubs filled with holiday decorations. Each year I begin in the same way, pulling out the ceramic nativity scene painted by my great grandmother. Each piece, carefully wrapped in tissue and newspaper, is unwrapped to be placed upon our mantle. As I pull the pieces out one by one I always hold my breath a bit hoping they have not been broken while in storage. Pulling out...