National Poetry Month '24: On Deception

Here we are! Today is the last day of National Poetry Month. In this week's reading of The Practicing Poet, Adele Kenny shared poems written in sections. I will occasionally use this organization strategy in an essay. I thought I'd try it in this final poem of the month. On Deception i. who can explain magic? charms, spells, a powerful force unexplained: an illusion, a lie believed. ii. as a child I remember sitting in magic shows, believing everything was real. my grandfather would take all of us. we'd watch people disappear and return smiling. iii. poetry: the wave of the wand cannot solve the problems on the page, staring at a blank space, waiting for the magic, searching for a lucky charm. © Cathy L. Mere, 2024 For April, I will be taking a deep dive into The Practicing Poet: Writing Beyond the Basics , edited by Diane Lockward. This book is full of 30 craft tips, so it is the perfect way to shape this month's challenge and dig into the craft...