Slice of Life: Fleeting Moments

I started to make a collage of memories from 2016, but I quickly realized too much had happened to gather it all in a collage. If you would have asked me about 2016, I would have managed to recall a few highlights. The images I had collected told a richer story of family, friends, new opportunities, and a bit of adventure. Fleeting Moments years roll on in fleeting moments. we try to hold them in our hearts, but memories dim. we try to capture them in collected images, but they're easily lost. we try to explain them in words and lines, but they fade on the page. in a year's time doors open to new opportunities. family and friends gather in celebration, share in laughter. new places offer a chance to revision our understanding of the world. each day the sun rises and sets the same, yet different. we search for a way to hold all ...