
Showing posts from July, 2014

Slice of Life: Savor Summer

Today I'm joining a  Slice of Life  hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  Stop by for links to this amazing community of writers.  Recently  Jill Fisch  posted this on her Facebook page: Jill Fisch's new blog:   I Notice, I Wonder For me, summer hasn't been slow.  It's been busy.  Though I've been out of school since the beginning of June, it wasn't until July 16th, that my professional work took a bit of a break.  Every week since school ended I've been involved in meetings, professional development sessions, completing work related to school, and catching up on professional reading.  Now, granted, the schedule has been a bit more slowed, but it's still been full of professional work.  Finally on July 16th, I decided I was able to find the time for a two week break (sort of).   In one of those paused moments in the last few days, Jill's post caught my attention as I read …. "to recapture that relaxed, slow feeli...

Slice of Life: My Inner Diva

Today I'm joining a  Slice of Life  hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  Stop by for links to this amazing community of writers.  "I'm headed into town," I called to my husband as I opened my car door.  "Do you plan to use the gas points for the truck?  It's the end of the month so we need to use them today or we'll lose them.  If you don't need them, I'll fill up my car." "The truck doesn't need gas so you can use them," he replied from the garage where he was busily tinkering with the mower, "but you should take a couple of the gas cans." Somewhere from decades long gone my teenage self resurrected,  "Ugh.  The gas cans.  Do I have to?"  Realizing that sounded a bit ridiculous I added, "I don't want my new car to smell like gas."  So maybe my car is two years old, but it still feels new to me. "You don't have to," he gently nudged, "but every can is saving $5.00."...