Today's Slice: Discovery
Delving into my One Little Word, DISCOVER, for today's Slice of Life . Thankful for a day of cold to sit by the fire and write. The patio is no place to be today! Stop by the host site to read more posts or join the conversation. photo via Volume 25 blog During the beginning of January I enjoyed reading about everyone's One Little Word finds. I was having so much fun I decided to round up the posts of other bloggers to see which words had been chosen . It was Michelle Nero's post about her word that really made me realize I needed to think a little more about my #olw, DISCOVER . I'm in an interesting place. For the first time since I can remember I have more time. My oldest is teaching in another state, my middle is busy with college (yep, another teacher), and our youngest will leave for college in the fall. All of this time makes it easy to invest more time into my teaching which I truly love, but I also know I need t...